
Last night the 48 chicks in our incubator started hatching. By morning we had about 30, and by early afternoon 40 had hatched! I am very pleased. As you can see, the diversity of chicks from our hens is strong, and they are very healthy and content. While I was tending the chicks this morning,…

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Neighbors inspiring neighbors – Rosalie Kaune

We hope with this recognition to mark the anniversary of each month of the pandemic by highlighting a member of our local farm community whose sense of community and agri-culture and sustainability can point the way for all of us and reawaken our own commitments. We want to keep fresh the experiences of the early pandemic reality,…

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Hog heaven

We have been letting our animals out to graze this week as the Earth warms and the rains slow. When the soil gets a chance to dry a bit it lowers the risk of compaction to the soil or damage to the grasses. We are as eager as the hogs and cattle. It brings such…

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Much is incubating these days

This has been a busy time of incubation at Wild Edge Farm. In addition to the 48 chicks we are hatching in our incubator, the fertile soil in the market garden has been building tilth and microbes all winter, and is now ready to generate a season worth of healthy plants. With many winter hours…

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