Much is incubating these days

This has been a busy time of incubation at Wild Edge Farm. In addition to the 48 chicks we are hatching in our incubator, the fertile soil in the market garden has been building tilth and microbes all winter, and is now ready to generate a season worth of healthy plants.

With many winter hours on the computer, we have ventured further into online sales, and this month we have included our 2021 meat reservations so that we can schedule slots with our butchers. Yesterday Jim delivered 18 of our weaner pigs to Eckholm Farm on Whidbey Island that is looking to begin raising pigs as part of their regenerative farm practices.

Over spring break last week the kids helped finish up the rabbit shed that we are converting into a garden seed storage shed and egg processing station.

And on a more personal note, we are enjoying accompanying Emma as she comes into her own as a young adult and high school senior, probing the breadth of her lived experiences and interests as she considers where and what she wants to study. Similarly, Jacob will sign up this week for his freshman year at Port Angeles High School, getting tips from his siblings on what classes to take.

With all that we have been nurturing on the farm this winter, we wait with anticipation for the fruits we have tended.