Welcome to Wild Edge Farm!

We are happy in this New Year to begin sharing with you more about our regenerative family farm, and to invite you to take action with us in some of the increasingly important local and global issues we all engage in with our food choices.

Jim has spent most of his life involved in the production of food.  He finds great joy in feeding people who are hungry — hungry for nutritious food with great flavor and freshness, and people who are hungry to care for the Earth and its People who produce this food.  As you will see, he also has a particular love for hogs, especially our strong, cute and vigorous Tamworth hogs.

Down-to-earth Karen delights in the beauty, taste and practicality of the vegetables that we offer in our weekly CSA farm shares as well as at the Port Angeles and Sequim Farmers’ Markets, the Lower Elwha Food Pantry and the Port Angeles Food Bank.  The vegetables are like edible bouquets that light up the eyes and fill up the hearts and stomachs of our community.

And we couldn’t do it all without the help of our three growing children who as farmers themselves know how to feed the animals, weed the garden, harvest and wash the produce, enjoy food that is fresh, and keep Mom and Dad on an even keel.

We are hopeful that you will hear from them as well in these blog posts of 2020.

Happy New Year and welcome to Wild Edge Farm — food for the body and soil!