
As we move into fall our vegetables are putting everything they’ve got into making sure they can produce good seed to keep their DNA viable. The result? Extra sweetness and lots of volume.

A case in point would be this Swiss chard we sold at the Wednesday Night Street Market last week.

Or the Daikon radish that self-propagated in the celery bed and found a home at the C Street Market on Thursday.

The maple is not to be outdone either!

And of course we grow big slugs out this way, too.

The better to eat my lettuces!

Stop on by the Port Angeles Farmers’ Market this weekend to see our fresh, SWEET and nutritious veggies. You will find cabbage, carrots, celery, collard greens, cucumbers, green onions, kohlrabi, leeks, lemon cucumbers, Napa cabbage, onions, shallots, snap peas, Swiss chard and tomatoes.

If you’re lucky, you might even score another enormous Daikon radish!