2023 Collaborative Market-Style CSA

With this springtime rain and sunshine, our gardens and pastures are green and growing, and a new season of local food is upon us.  

Wild Edge Farm, The Sawtooth Ranch, and Hidden Penny Farm invite you to join us for another year worth of our Collaborative Market-Style CSA and enjoy a diversity of local farm products from May-December.  

The Sawtooth Ranch is a new addition in this second year of collaboration, increasing the variety of products we can offer and the times and locations where you can find us.  Participation of an additional farm also extends our offerings of poultry, meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables longer into fall and winter.  Our collaboration is growing, and we are excited for you to be part of it.

Click here for more details on how to sign up.

We look forward to a great season!


CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm early in the season and in return receive the bounty of the farm throughout the growing season. By investing early in our farms, you allow the farmers to solidify harvest amounts and move through the season with confidence that our labor will be compensated.  In return we offer a 10% bonus on the amount you invest! (For example: a $200 CSA investment becomes $220 for you to spend) Please note: the CSA share does not roll over into the next year. It must be used by the end of December 2023.

A Market Style CSA offers flexibility

You choose the amount to invest upfront (from $200-$500), and once the season is underway, you can shop at any of our locations and buy whatever you want and however much you want!  No need for cash or credit at the market, just put your purchases on your CSA tab. Think of this CSA style as a debit account you hold with the farms. 

§  Not a big salad eater but love to can tomato sauce for the whole winter? That’s great, buy tons of tomatoes! 

§  Hate kale but love collards? Perfect, you choose your greens! 

§  Growing vegetables or raising your own animals and just want to fill in with a few items over the season?  We are happy to provide them!

§  Planning a summer BBQ?  Try bratwurst or ribs to go with your shish kabobs.

§  Traveling for a few weeks in July? That’s okay! Just use your CSA dollars in the months you’re home. 

§  Want to look down at your plate every night and see it overflowing with local ingredients? We got you!

A Collaborative venture:  Collaboration means more community, more creativity, and more food!